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Learn about Ford SelectShift Automatic Transmission that you can control with manual mode

SelectShift® Automatic Transmission


The Ford SelectShift® Transmission is a classic automatic gearbox with a hydraulic torque converter included, which has the possibility to change to manual mode thanks to a special firmware.

SelectShift® Automatic Transmission


The Ford SelectShift® Transmission is a classic automatic gearbox with a hydraulic torque converter included, which has the possibility to change to manual mode thanks to a special firmware.

How does it work?


To activate it, you have to move the gear selector to Sport mode, which is marked as an "S" and then press the "+" or "-" buttons to shift up or down. In some versions, the driver has the possibility to control the torque of the engine in manual mode using paddle shifters located behind the steering wheel of your Ford Vehicle.

How does it work?


To activate it, you have to move the gear selector to Sport mode, which is marked as an "S" and then press the "+" or "-" buttons to shift up or down. In some versions, the driver has the possibility to control the torque of the engine in manual mode using paddle shifters located behind the steering wheel of your Ford Vehicle.
